GivingCalendarVisitor Info

Ways to Give

  • Give Online via Zelle: We accept online donations, pledge payments and other financial gifts. Please make your contribution using Zelle through your financial institution, if possible. Use St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church as the recipient and as the email address.
  • Give Online via Paypal: PayPal and credit card payments are also accepted, but charge fees to the church. Click the donate button below to use Paypal for your giving option:
  • Mail: Donations may also be mailed to: St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 4400 Barranca Parkway, Irvine, CA 92604


Christmas Flowers for the Altar

If you wish to make a donation for Christmas flowers for the altar, you may place you offering in the plate using the Christmas Flower envelopes available in the sanctuary, or simply write Christmas Flowers on the memo line of your check. Zelle, Paypal and mailed donations may also be made.



Christmas Adopt A Family Outreach

As part of our Annual Adopt A Family Outreach, we will be providing gifts for 5 families associated with our Children’s Center.  

Click here to see the Adopt A Family List of Items Requested. There are clothing items, toys, books, and gift cards for groceries or department stores to select from. Once you have selected the gift you would like to donate, please enter your name and address on the form. All gifts need to be returned to St. Andrew’s by Dec 11th so that we can ensure that the gifts are distributed to the families before Christmas. Please wrap the gifts and provide a tag on the gift that designates the family number & boy/girl and age. If you have any questions please contact Carolyn Ybarra.




Stewardship is our personal response to God’s generosity in the way we share our resources of time, talent, and money. It reflects our commitment to making God’s love known through our use of all that God has given us. 


Each fall, St. Andrew’s asks members to make an annual financial pledge. Our budgets are prepared in light of the pledges received from the members. A pledge is a statement of intent, not a legal obligation. It can be changed at any time, if needed.


Pledge cards are sent to members in the mail and collected on “Gratitude Sunday” (usually mid-November). They are also available here:




St. Andrew’s is grateful for all pledges and gifts of time and talent!  Together these make possible our weekly worship, education, fellowship, pastoral care, outreach to the community, and staff salaries.



Annual Fundraising Gala

In 2008, St. Andrew’s initiated a program to revive and restore our sanctuary. Each year since, a gala “Revive and Restore” event is held featuring silent and live auctions. Funds raised have been used to upgrade areas of the church. With input from members, the Bishop’s Committee has identified one or more projects each year. We have dedicated 20% of the funds raised to charitable giving.


View our video of upgrades to the church since 2008 in this video:


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