GivingCalendarVisitor Info


In Church and Virtual Services

Sunday, 8:00 and 10:00 am – Holy Eucharist Rite II will take place in the sanctuary. The 10:00 am service will also be livestreamed

Thursday, 6:00 pm – Evening Prayer, virtual


Weekdays, 5:30-6:00 pm – Centering Prayer

View via Stillpoint website at


Holy Week and Easter Services

Maundy Thursday, 4/17 6:00 pm

Good Friday, 4/18 Noon and 6:00 pm

Easter Vigil, 4/19 7:00 pm

Easter Sunday 4/20, 8:00 am and 10:00 am



Service Bulletins

Bulletins and scripture readings for each service are below. They are listed by date. You may download and print them at home or view them on screen. 



If you have a Book of Common Prayer, you may use it as your “bulletin” for Evening Prayer. Clergy will announce page numbers as they proceed through the service.


Instructions for accessing the bulletin online with your device:

  • In Thursday’s “This Week at St. Andrew’s” e-mail, click on the image of the cover of the bulletin under the “Upcoming Services” heading. 
  • There is also a link farther below under the listing for that Sunday’s service. The bulletin will appear on your browser.
  • On the upper right hand corner, click on the three dots, then click on “Make available offline”. You won’t need an internet connection to access it.
  • On Sunday morning, open Google Drive and the bulletin will be available there.


Our services are live streamed on YouTube.

To get to the livestream, go to Once there, you’ll want to click on subscribe, so that you’re always set to go.

You can also get there by clicking on the YouTube icon at the top right hand side of this page (the red rectangle with a white arrow inside).


If you wish to view the service from our Facebook page click here. The video should appear at the top of our newsfeed. If you wish to be notified every time we go live, please FOLLOW our page on Facebook.



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